Robbing has been a serious problem in the queen rearing apiary this autumn. After bemoaning the lack of wasps, we were suddenly inundated with thousands of hungry blighters who were determined to get into the more vulnerable nucleus hives (referred to in the jargon as nucs). They even started chewing holes in the back of the nuc boxes just to get at the precious stores of honey that would feed the little colonies of bees in the coming winter. Sadly the stress of defending the hives against the invaders proved too much for one of the nucs and it gave up the ghost.

Wasps have an important role to play in our already fragile ecosystem and I am very reluctant to put out traps, but the consequences of losing whole colonies of bees to wasps who are going to die in the next couple of weeks, are too serious to ignore. Traps that allow non-target species, such as the delicate hover fly or precious moths, to escape can reduce the collateral damage amongst innocent bystanders.

Which leads me to the thought about Asian Hornets, which are a sort of wasp. If Vespa vulgaris has made a sudden late appearance, will Vespa velutina do the same......?

15 October 2024


Exciting day yesterday 


“In the life of the honey bee there are only 2 seasons – winter and preparing for winter”


 The honey bee colony builds up to its maximum foraging force in July for the summer flow when they must accumulate enough food stores to last for the next 7 or 8 months. The population of ‘summer’ bees rapidly declines from now on until there only remains a small number of ‘winter’ bees. Unlike summer bees, who only live for 5 or 6 weeks, the winter bees can live for up to 6 months. Their job is to keep the queen alive and ready to start producing brood again in a few months’ time, as well as to feed the spring larvae. Colonies can be lost in the spring when not enough winter bees have survived to keep the colony alive. The more winter bees, and the longer they live, the greater the chance of the colony surviving into the following year.


 Stimulating the queen to lay

 Worker bees born in August and September and will die in November but those born after the beginning of October will live until next spring. It is vitally important therefore that the queen continues to lay after the summer peak to produce plenty of heathy, well-fed winter bees. This can be achieved by stimulative feeding of thin 1:1 sugar syrup, and pollen patties if there is little pollen coming in, in September to simulate a nectar flow and help the queen to keep laying.  Note that thick 2:1 syrup will only be laid down as stores.

 Winter stores

 The average colony is estimated to need about 21kg of honey to avoid starvation. Happily for us, the bees usually collect more than they need and the surplus provides us with the delicious honey that we enjoy so much. If we take more, or if the bees haven’t collected enough, we have to replace it with some form of artificial feeding, usually in the form of sugar syrup, pollen supplement or substitute, and fondant.

 Hefting the hives regularly in winter can tell us if they have enough. If the hive feels light, feeds of thick 2:1 syrup can be given as long as the daytime temperature is above about 10 deg C.  Thereafter fondant is required.

 Some beekeepers leave the bees with a full super.  It’s important to remove the queen excluder so the queen isn’t isolated when the cluster moves into the super. Whether the super is placed under or over the brood box doesn’t seem to make any difference, although bees will often prefer to move upwards, so it could be argued that above is better.  In some cases, the cluster will not move up and over the top of the frames to reach the stores in nearby frames and the colony dies in what is known as isolation starvation. Communication holes made in the comb can help the cluster to move more easily from one frame to the next.


 A thorough health inspection after the supers have been taken off can give a warning of any adult or brood diseases which can then be treated, hopefully in time. See below on where to find more information on pests and diseases.


 Varroa infestation is one of the main causes of winter losses and must be treated now.

 Although the bee population is decreasing the varroa load continues to rise exponentially and the untreated colony can soon be overwhelmed, with fatal results. Apart from weakening the adult bees and shortening their lives, Varroa can cause them to suffer from a variety of serious virus infections including Deformed Wing Virus (DWV), Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus (CBPV) and more. There are numerous approved products on the market, some containing natural ingredients such as Formic Acid, Thymol and essential oils. Others are composed of manufactured chemicals including Amitraz, Flumethrin and Tau Fluvalinate.  Artificial or ‘hard’ chemicals are effective but carry the risk of the varroa developing resistance.

 Whilst Formic Acid treatments are said by some to be tough on the queens or cause excessive losses, all the authorized brands are safe to use if the manufacturer’s instructions are followed to the letter, especially regarding dosage, temperature and ventilation. All are designed to kill the mites that are feeding and reproducing inside the capped brood.

 Treatment must be applied after removal of the supers containing honey for human consumption. Any supers left in place during treatment should be marked to indicate that they may contain traces of the miticide used and shouldn’t be used again until the frames have been cleaned and refitted with new foundation.

 A second treatment of Oxalic Acid to kill the ‘phoretic’ mites, i.e. those living and feeding on the adult bees, is given in winter when there is little or no brood. Traditionally this was carried out in late December between Christmas and New Year, but recent research has shown that in Southern England the optimum period is now early December. Treatment is by trickling the dissolved product from a syringe, using a device called Gas Vap which is a modified blow torch, or by sublimation with special equipme nt. Treatment with Oxalic Acid requires the operator and any bystanders to wear personal protective equipment.


 Apart from Varroa and its attendant diseases, queen failure is probably the second most common cause of winter losses. Queens are at their most productive in the first 2 years of their life. After that their egg laying capacity declines and they are likely to be superseded. Unfortunately, the chances of a replacement queen being mated are diminishing rapidly and both the old and the new queen will fail to survive.

 Now is a good time to introduce new, mated queens which are ready to produce the vital winter bees needed to see the colony through winter and into spring. If the old queen has good genetic traits, and you can’t bear to part with her, she can be retired into a nuc and used for emergencies such as making up winter losses, or for raising new queens next year.

 Young queens in their first 2 years are less inclined to swarm the following year. Those that do make swarm preparations will pass on the trait to their offspring and their drones will spread the swarmy behaviour to other colonies in the area. The colony should be requeened as soon as practicable.

 Similarly, if the colony has been excessively defensive or flighty during the season, requeening now will improve the temperament of the colony and make your beekeeping a pleasure again, as well as not spreading the undesirable genes to other beekeepers stock by its drones.

 Like humans, not all queens are born equal and poorly mated or badly developed queens will fail early in their lives or be superseded.

 Pests and predators

 Mouse guards and woodpeckers. Mice are sometimes tempted into hives at the start of winter by the prospect of a warm home in which to hibernate. Mouse guards fitted in October will deny them access. In a hard winter when there is little food available, green woodpeckers will drill holes in the side of hives and raid the contents causing considerable damage and often leaving the colony to die of cold or starvation. A cage of chicken wire around the hives will prevent the birds from attacking them.


 A layer of insulation in the roof of wooden hives can help to keep the cluster warm and reduce the quantity of stores they consume in order to produce heat. The winter bees are more rested and likely to live longer. Insulated hives enjoy better winter survival rates and faster spring build up. Poly hives and nucs have an advantage in this respect.


  • A colony that is fit, strong and well fed, with a productive young queen, will have a better chance of getting through winter and spring.
  • Bees born in August and September will die in October and November. Bees born in October will live until the following spring.
  • Feeding of thin 1:1 sugar syrup in September will stimulate the queen to lay in October and produce the vitally important winter bees.
  • Feeding of thick sugar syrup be laid down as stores.
  • Feeding with fondant will see the colony through times when it is too cold for the bees to consume syrup.
  • Varroa treatments in August and December are required to prevent winter and spring losses.
  • Colonies led by young queens are much more likely to survive than those with older queens. They are also less susceptible to swarming the following spring.
  • Protection against mice and woodpeckers is fitted in October.
  • Insulation can make stores last longer, extend the life of the winter bees, and help the colony to grow faster in spring.




BBKA Healthy Hive Guide

BBKA Special Edition: Feeding Honey Bees

Baxter A.

National Bee Unit Managing Varroa

Stainton, K.   (2022) Varroa Management: A Practical Guide on How to Manage Varroa Mites in Honey Bee Colonies, Northern Bee Books.




We use all the wonderful produce of the hive ensuring that nothing is wasted. Among these is the production of Mead, a delicious type of wine made entirely with honey. Instead of swilling it down the drain we capture all the honey-rich rinsing water from the extractor and the other equipment, add yeast and put it in demijons to ferment, then wait. Simple as that!




The results are incredibly good, producing a luscious, golden drink full of the flavours of honey and with hints of citrus fruits. Here's our 2023 cuvée:


The day was divided into two sessions, one for beginners and beekeepers with less than 2 years experience and the second for improvers and those preparing for the BBKA Basic Assessment. The programme was built around the following topics:


The aims were:

To carry out a safe, efficient inspection with confidence, to recognise the signs of swarm preparation and actions to take. Finding a queen, practice good apiary hygiene procedures.  We also covered lighting the smoker, basic inspections, hive tool handling, use of smoke, keeping the colony under control, reading the colony, the countdown to swarming and the logic of swarm prevention and control. The dangers of varroa were discussed and drone brood uncapping demonstrated.

Despite torrential rain showers and the threat of thunderstorms which unsettled the bees, the session went smoothly and the objectives achieved.



The aims of this session were:

To carry out efficient health inspection, describe brood & adult bee diseases,  methods of varroa IPM and treatment, understand the countdown to swarming and take appropriate action.

The bees were becoming increasingly agitated due to the weather and the sudden interruption of the summer nectar flow but the objectives were achieved. One colony was found to have some evidence of chalk brood and one or two examples of Deformed Wing Virus were noted. The signs of all the main adult and brood diseases were described and the recommended treatments discussed. A Pagden artificial swarm was carried out and the Heddon Variant was explained. The technique of obtaining drawn comb in a flow was observed. IPM by drone brood uncapping and drone brood sacrifice were seen as well as counting the drop on the varroa board, sugar roll and alcohol wash, and calculating the percentage infestation using the NBU calculator.



It is useful to divide into two groups of different levels of experience.

Rain can be dealt with but stormy conditions and interruption in the nectar flow are unsettling for the bees with the risk of grumpiness, even in the calmest of colonies.





It’s the time of year when beekeepers are buying in new queens and are faced with the uncertainty of whether or not the queen will be accepted in her new colony. The following method was first described by L.E. Snelgrove (1) in 1940 who claimed an almost 100% success rate.

The method is based on the principle that the new queen should adopt the receiving colony’s odour before being introduced.

The colony should be showing signs of queenlessness before carrying out the operation; this usually takes from a few minutes to as much as half an hour after removal of the old queen.

The “one-hour’’ method

  • Release the bees escorting the new queen from the cage in which they arrived.

  • Take a matchbox and place it three-quarters open over brood comb in the receiving

    colony at a point where the bees are thickest.

  • Gently close it with about 20 bees inside.

  • Put a pin through the side to keep it closed and put it in your pocket for 5 to 10


  • At the end of this period partly open the box with your thumb over the opening and

    drop the new queen in among the bees.

  • Close the box leaving a very narrow opening for ventilation, put in the pin and return

    it to your pocket for half an hour.

  • The bees confined in the dark with no food will be more interested in trying to get out than the presence of the new queen.

  • The queen and the bees will soon have the same odour thanks to the warmth in your pocket.

  • Give a little whiff of smoke through the hole in the crown board to clear the way.

  • Place the matchbox upside down over the hole in the crown board and open it gently

  • The new queen and her new escort will then safely make their way down into the

    queenless hive.

  • Close the hive and don’t disturb for a few days.

    Essential points :

    • The queen acquires the odour of the hive before being introduced.
    • She is hungry when she enters the hive.
    • She enters the hive accompanied by a friendly escort.
    • The hive is in a state of distress and looking anxiously for their queen.

    (1)  L.E. Snelgrove The Introduction of Queen Bees Furnell & Sons Aug 1940

    Alan Baxter 21 April 2024





There have been many reports of winter and spring colony losses this year for which there could be any number of causes. One answer to the mysterious death of a previously productive colony is infection with a microsporidian, or spore-forming pathogen, called Nosema.

Two types have been identified in Britain, N.apis and N. ceranae. They are similar in many ways but the main difference between them is the seasonal nature of their impact on colonies. N.apis can almost disappear in summer wheras N. ceranae is active throughout the year and its impact is often more severe as a result.

What does it do?

Nosema affects the ability of the larva and the adult bee to absorb nutrients, shortening its life and preventing the winter bees from surviving until the following spring. They are also unable to produce enough brood food for the larvae resulting either death or a slow buildup of the colony.

There are often no obvious signs of infection, although occasionally it is accompanied by dysentery, in which case there may be staining around the entrance and on top of the frames.

How do you know you’ve got it?

Diagnosis is by laboratory analysis, but you can carry out a rough test in the apiary:

  • Take a few young bees from the centre of the brood nest and kill them

  • With forceps gently pull out the intestines from where they exit the body near the sting


  • The midgut, which is normally brownish in colour, in the infected bee is white and

    often distended.

    To confirm the infection, take a sample of 30 bees from the centre of the brood nest and euthanize them in the freezer and send them to someone with a microscope for analysis. If you have your own microscope it’s quite simple:


  • Cut off the abdomens and crush them in a mortar and pestle. Add a few drops of distilled water and stir.

  • Take a drop of the soup and place it on a slide. Allow to dry

  • Examine under a compound microscope at x 400. Nosema spores look like the image below.

  • How do you treat it?

    There is no specific treatment for Nosema but it can be reduced by strict apiary hygiene, feeding and comb change. A less stressful method is a Bailey Comb Change for a weak colony. In some cases changing the queen can be effective.

    Bailey comb change for a weak colony

  • Place a clean brood box beside the colony

  • Find the frame with the queen and place in the new brood box

  • Add a frame of sterilized drawn comb either side of the frame with the queen

  • Add dummy boards either side and centre them

  • In the original brood box remove any frames with no brood and destroy the comb

  • Centre the remaining frames with dummy boards

  • Close the entrance

  • Add a Bailey board

  • Put the new box on top

  • Add a feeder with sugar syrup

  • Close the hive

    Day 8

  • From the original brood box remove all frames with no brood

  • From the new box remove the frame that had the queen and place in the lower box

  • Centre the frames so they chimney upwards

  • Add more frames of drawn comb to the upper box

  • Check feed and top up if necessary

    Day 15

  • Repeat as above

  • Day 28

  • All the brood in the original box will have emerged and the box can be removed

  • Put the new box on a new floor on the original stand

  • Add any supers

  • Close the hive

    All the old comb should be burnt and the brood box and frames cleaned and sterilized for reuse.

    Alan Baxter April 2024


Signs of dysentery                                                                                          Nosema spores

Bailey Comb Change for a weak colony




    23 March 2024

    Another milestone today. It was the final theory examination for the Master Beekeeper Qualification, results in early May.



    The swarming season has been particularly intense this year due to a long, cool spring followed by a sudden spell of warm weather. Although the worst seems to be over there are still some swarms around and the season is by no means over so there is no room for complacency.

    In an earlier blog I talked about the basic theory of swarming and some of the measures you can take to prevent or control it. In this paper I’ll expand on the mechanics and timings of swarming, the differences between prevention and control and the precautions to take against casts or secondary swarms.

    In order to deal with the ever-present threat of losing half your bees and terrorizing your neighbours, it’s useful to understand the swarming process, the key indicators to look out for and the prevention or control measures you can take.

    In the chart below you will see the progression that occurs. I’ve divided it into two parts – the times when you can take prevention measures, and those when control is necessary.


    Prevention requires regular, thorough inspections and careful observation, at least weekly unless your queens are clipped in which case every 10 days will do. Anticipate and act are the key words.

    Here are some simple but effective measures you can take:

    1. Mark your queens
    • If you can’t find the queen get another pair of eyes or two to help you
    • The earlier in the season the better when there aren’t too many bees
    • Do it in the warmest part of the day when the maximum number of bees are out foraging
    • Or move the brood box to one side and put a super on its original stand to divert all the flying bees and give you more room and quiet to look.
    1. Clip your queens. This involves gently cutting off the end third of one wing. It isn’t to everyone’s taste but there are no nerves or blood vessels there – it’s like cutting your toenails.

    If you’re struggling with any of these, get a more experienced beekeeper to help you. People are always happy to lend a hand.

    1. Give them more space by adding supers early
    • The bees need room to live and to store incoming nectar and pollen
    • Nectar contains about 80% water and requires a greater volume of space than honey which only contains 20% or less
    • The queen needs more space to lay her eggs
    • Add a super as soon as the brood box starts to look crowded. When the flow starts they will be bringing in nectar very fast
    • If there are no supers they will store nectar in the brood box, thereby depriving the queen of laying space and the workers of living room
    • Remember that during the day, a lot of the bees will be out foraging. At night they need somewhere to sleep
    • Replace surplus frames of honey with drawn comb or foundation
    • Replace damaged comb which can’t be used efficiently
    1. Have your equipment ready in advance to take off the pressure when the time comes to act.


    Once the queen cells have been formed, the time for prevention has passed and control measures are needed. I prefer to use either the nuc or the Pagden method if I want to make increase from the colony, or the Demaree technique if I don’t want any more hives or to breed from that particular queen. All three are described in my earlier blog or can be found on numerous websites and on YouTube.

    Beware the cast or secondary swarm

    After the first swarm has issued, all the sealed brood that the queen had been producing in the period before the swarm will start to emerge (remember those big slabs of brood about 3 weeks ago?). This could mean that newly-emerged virgin queens might trigger another swarm.

    To reduce the risk of secondary swarming:

    • remove all the sealed queen cells
    • choose the best two unsealed ones, marking their position on the frame with a drawing pin
    • One week later go back and remove any more queen cells that have been made and
    • remove one of the marked ones
    • Make notes in your hive records of the dates – it can take longer than you think for a new queen to be mated and start to lay.

    Don’t be beguiled into thinking that your colony haven’t swarmed because the hive is still full of bees – it’s all that brood emerging after the main swarm has left.

    If they have swarmed, treat it as the parent colony and remove all the queen cells except one. Don’t be tempted to leave a second one as belt and braces.


    Happy beekeeping!

    Enormous thanks to Christine Coulsting, Master Beekeeper, for her excellent guidance on this and many other topics.

    by Alan Baxter





    There is a lot of controversy about the feeding of pollen in spring.

    We all want to do the best for our bees, including making sure that, having survived the winter, they don’t succumb to spring starvation. We know there is very little forage available, but we see our bees becoming increasingly active on warmer days and we suspect the queens are already laying. Newly-emerged brood will soon be demanding to be fed. Worker larvae need lots of protein and protein comes from pollen, but do they have enough pollen stores and are the foragers finding enough sources of early pollen around? Snowdrop, crocus, willow, hazel….?

    So being caring, responsible beekeepers we top up the fondant and add a dollop of pollen mixture to the feed. We are careful to make sure that the product we buy is of good quality and that the ingredients are digestible by the bees without upsetting their tummies. 

    But is it really a good idea? Or is it even necessary? There are different schools of thought, widely varying in their opinions, but briefly they go like this: 

    The pro-pollen feeders: 

    • Feeding pollen will stimulate rapid spring build-up so the colony has a maximum workforce for the spring nectar flow, especially in areas where there is OSR. 
    • The queen has already started to lay and needs all the help she can get if healthy, well-fed workers are to be produced. 
    • Let’s give them some just in case and because it’s a ‘good thing’ to do. 

    The anti-pollen feeders may argue: 

    • The colony will develop or not in the spring according to the availability of food. This is the way that bees have evolved, to be in synch with the natural rhythm of the seasons. 
    • If we encourage the queen to start laying early, when the brood emerges there won’t be enough forage to sustain the growing population and more artificial feeding will be needed. 
    • An early boost in the amount of brood requiring care will outnumber the nurse bees needed to look after them, and the brood will either die of starvation or develop into undernourished, smaller, weaker adults. 
    • Winter bees nearing the end of their lives, but still needed for colony survival, will be required to do more work than they are capable of and will die earlier, leaving the colony short. 
    • We want our bees to adapt to changing climatic conditions, and by feeding them artificially we will only delay their ability to evolve, thereby making them more dependent on us. 

    For me the jury is still out and I’d welcome any thoughts members have on this topic. 

    by Alan Baxter




    I wouldn’t normally open my hives until the temperature reaches tee-shirt level. It’s not worth the risk of chilling the colony or accidentally harming the queen with no chance of the colony being able to replace her.

    In case of doubt, especially if you’re new to beekeeping, it’s better to wait for another week or so until the weather is consistently better.

    However, it managed to get up to 14 degrees for a few hours on Thursday in my sheltered south-facing home apiary and I carried out very quick first inspections, mainly to check for early signs of swarming. All was well except for one colony which appears to have a mixture of normal worker brood and a high proportion of drone brood.

    I suspect it’s a failing queen despite her being less than a year old. This is a colony that suffered an attack of heavy robbing last year and never recovered its original vigour.

    There are options :

    • 1. Kill the queen and unite them as they are with another colony
    • 2. Destroy the queen and all the drone brood, together with any varroa, then unite them
    • 3. Squidge the queen and give them a frame of brood from another colony
    • 4. Shake them out and let the bees take their chance begging for admission to the other hives
    • 5. Let nature take its course, allow the brood to hatch and see what happens.

    Factors to consider:

    • There are only 4 frames of bees
    • Most of them will be winter bees nearing the end of their lives
    • There won’t be enough nurse bees to tend to the emerging larvae
    • Drones are a drain on the colony’s resources at this time of the year, whilst giving nothing back in return.

    The remaining workers might be useful to a receiving colony if:

    • their hypopharyngeal glands are still active and they’re able to produce brood food or 
    • they could add to the foraging force

    These benefits are likely to be short-lived for the reasons stated above.

    Any new queens produced this early in the season would struggle to get mated.

    My preferred option is No: 2. This offers me the opportunity to give another colony a temporary boost and to carry out a bit of varroa control at the same time, but I would love to hear what other members think.

    by Alan Baxter February 2023



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